structure of RAJE is now defined by means of two specific modules.
The first module, i.e.
RAJE-core, implements the main editing functionalities, and it is based on
TinyMCE – contrarily, the
previous version of RAJE was totally developed from scratch using the
Contenteditable attribute.
The other module, i.e.
RAJE-app, is a wrapper that uses RAJE core to implement the standalone wordprocessor. RAJE-app allows one
to store RASH documents either in the file system or in online storages such as Github
(as of 7 January 2018, still an experimental feature) and Dropbox (not implemented yet).
The main idea of this infrastructure is to keep the core separated from the wrapper,
separated so as to enable the reuse of the editing capabilities of RAJE in different environments (within
a Web application, imported in existing frameworks, etc.).